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Custom High-Precision Optical Waveplates for Lasers

Rising-EO can produce Low Order Waveplates, True Zero Order Waveplates, Zero Order Waveplates, Achromatic Waveplates.
Specific product specifications can be found on the details page.

Product Parameters

SpecsLow Order WaveplateTrue Zero Order WaveplateZero Order WaveplateAchromatic Waveplate
MaterialQuartzBirefringent Crystals
Clear aperture>90%
Dimensional tolerance+0/-0.1mm+0/-0.2mm
Wavefront aberrationλ/8 @ 632.8nmλ/4 @632.8nm (for air spaced type)
Phase delay accuracyλ/300λ/100
Parallelism<1 arc sec<10 arc sec
Surface quality20-10 S/D40-20 S/D
CoatingARUncoated for standard, AR coating available
Standard wavelength266nm,355nm,532nm,
632.8nm,780nm,808nm, 850nm, 980nm, 1064nm,1310nm, 1480nm,1550nm
λ/2:980nm,1064nm,1310nm, 1480nm,1550nm
266nm, 355nm, 532nm, 632.8nm,780nm,808nm, 850nm, 980nm,1064nm, 1310nm, 1480nm,1550nm450-650nm,  

Product Introduction

A waveplate, also known as a phase retardation plate, is an optical device that can produce an additional optical path difference (or phase difference) between two mutually perpendicular light vibrations. It is typically made of birefringent crystals such as quartz, calcite, or mica with precise thicknesses, and its optical axis is parallel to the surface of the plate. When linearly polarized light is incident perpendicularly on the wave plate, its vibration direction forms a certain angle with the optical axis of the plate, thereby decomposing into two components: one perpendicular to the optical axis (o-vibration) and the other parallel to the optical axis (e-vibration). These two components propagate at different speeds (with different refractive indices) within the crystal, resulting in an optical path difference and subsequently a phase difference upon exiting the crystal. Wave plates can be used in the following applications:

  • Polarization Control: Wave plates can be combined with other optical elements (such as polarizers, lenses, and mirrors) to form more complex optical systems for controlling the polarization state of light.

  • Interferometry: In interferometry, wave plates are used to adjust the polarization state of light to achieve more precise measurements.

  • Lasers: Wave plates have various applications in lasers, such as wavelength combining and separating, Q-switching, and destructive interference quenching.

Rising-EO is a a large-scale manufacturer integrating the production and sales of precision optical components, optical lenses and optical systems.

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